Monday, October 27, 2008

Money idioms

Money idioms

Cash cow – «дойная корова»: The British newspapers are the group's biggest cash cow, earning nearly 40% of the group’s profits.

A bad debt – безнадежный долг (долг, который невозможно взыскать): The bank expects to lose millions of last year's profits as a result of bad debts.

The other side of the coin – обратная сторона медали: Running a web site is fun, but the other side of the coin is that it costs a lot of money.

Money talks – деньги решают всё: He seems to get away with murder. I guess money talks.

Money to burn – денег куры не клюют: They buy a new car every year. They must have money to burn.

Pay through the nose – заплатить бешеную цену: I paid through the nose to get the bathroom done.
Pay top dollar – недешево платить: If you want the best, you have to pay top dollar.
Strike it rich – напасть на золотую жилу/неожиданно разбогатеть: He struck it rich in the computer business.

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