Monday, October 27, 2008

Статья Times о новой достопримечательности Парижа; русский эквивалент сложных фраз

Fine dining up the Eiffel Tower – превосходный обед на Эйфелевой башне

Paris has a new landmark (заметный объект) - an Alain Ducasse restaurant 125 metres up the Eiffel Tower

PSST, want to skip the queue (проскочить без очереди) at the Eiffel Tower? You can, but you need to be prepared. First, you must wear your most fabulous (сказочный) frock (дамское платье) and highest heels (каблуки), or best suit.
And you must be one of the 120 people to book lunch or dinner at the new Le Jules Verne restaurant, perched (дословно: посаженый на насест) on the second floor of the monument built by Gustave Eiffel for the World Fair (всемирной выставки) in 1889.
Only then can you saunter past (не спеша пройти мимо) the freezing (мерзнущих) people in the long, winding line (петляющей/вьющейся очереди), and head straight into (и прямиком направиться в) your private elevator (лифт), to be whisked up (чтобы взмыть на) 125m. Unlike (в отличие от) most of the seven million people who visit this lasting (многолетний) monument to the greatness (памятник величию) of France each year, you are about to experience (вам предстоит испытать) what France's greatest chef (повар), Alain Ducasse, calls “the very essence (подлинной сущностью) of French cuisine (кухни)”.
Behind the 1,000-bottle wine rack (винным стеллажом), a white-hatted (облаченный в белый колпак) chef in the central kitchen chops (мелко рубит) a mountain of chocolate with the precision of a machine (с точностью машины).
Ducasse, a handsome (красивый), slightly rumpled (слегка взъерошенный) 51-year-old in Harry Potterish specs (в очках в стиле Гарри Поттера), says that he has long dreamt of having a restaurant in the tower. “I used to look up at it all my life,” (я смотрел на нее всю жизнь) he says, over an espresso (попивая эспрессо), “until one day, I thought ‘why not?'”
But even the holder (обладатель) of 15 Michelin stars (звезды Мишлин (от одной до трех – служат показателем престижности ресторана), with 22 restaurants, five hotels, and three cooking schools around the world, found it tough going (счел реализацию замысла нелегкой).
After two years of planning, the entire installation had to be completed (конструкцию пришлось завершить) in four months, before the official opening date of December 22.
Not only did everything from the ovens (печей) to the carpet have to be brought up (пришлось перевозить) in a single (единственном) lift and reassembled on site (собирать заново уже на месте), it all had to be weighed (приходилось взвешивать), so it didn't exceed the limit deemed safe (чтобы не превысить ограничения, признанные безопасными) for the 119-year-old structure.
“It was very difficult. I had to build a second kitchen under the ground, where we can prepare all the food,” says Ducasse, pointing down to the Champ de Mars (указывая на Марсово поле), the park at the base of (в основании) the Eiffel Tower. “Now everything is brought up by lift in special temperature-controlled trolleys (тележках с температурным контролем).”
Almost £3.7 million later (потратив почти 3,7 миллиона) and Ducasse and his chef, Pascal Feraud, look pleased with the result. “If you have but one meal (вам предстоит поесть лишь один раз) in Paris, it should be here,” he says. Feraud nods (кивает [в знак согласия]) quickly.
Returning that night for dinner, I find it quite surreal to be floating above (плыть над) the City of Lights, with Paris spread out below like a picnic rug (распростерся внизу словно ковер для пикника). The clean, minimalist lines of the three dining rooms, designed by Patrick Jouin, are dressed in shades (одеты в оттенки) of milk and dark chocolate, and everywhere you can see the workings of the hydraulic lifts, the lacy («кружевных») iron girders (стальных балок) and the sky.
And the food? An average meal (средняя еда) will set you back about £223 for two (food only), but nothing here is average. Everything is rich, but wonderfully light.
The price is no more than any top Michelin-starred experience in Paris - and nowhere else has this once-in-a-lifetime view (панорама, открывающаяся только раз в жизни).
Le Jules Verne, on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower, is open seven days a week. Dinner: a five-course menu (меню из пяти блюд) costs about £115. Reservations are taken two months in advance (заказы принимаются за 2 месяца вперед). Best bargain (самое выгодное приобретение): Three-course set lunch menu (комплексный обед) costs £56.

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