Land of the Yellow Emperor
MAO ZEDONG sent troops to “liberate” (войска для освобождения) unenthusiastic (лишенных энтузиазма) Tibetans, but he also admitted (признал) that his country had a problem with “chauvinism” in its handling of ethnic minorities (в отношении к этническим меньшинствам). As China tries yet again to quell (сокрушить/успокоить) an unruly (непокорный) Tibet, it still does.
More than two weeks after an eruption of rioting directed at (вспышку волнений, направленных на) ethnic Chinese in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, China has yet to show much interest (пока еще не удосужились узнать) in what made Tibetans so angry. In an effort to display a little openness (пытаясь казаться открытым), it has allowed a small group of foreign journalists and an even smaller one of diplomats to pay brief visits (нанести краткие визиты) to the city. To the alarm of officials (на страх чиновников), some Tibetan monks (монахи) complained to the journalists about their lack of religious freedom (дефицит свободы вероисповедания). When the diplomats were later taken to the same temple (храм) the authorities made sure that (позаботились о том, чтобы) only a tame (ручной/покорный/мягкий) monk was on hand (под рукой/в наличии) to talk.
The state media's focus on the alleged pro-Tibetan bias of the Western press in covering the violence in Lhasa (внимание государственной прессы к якобы про-тибетской необъективности западной прессы в освещении жестоких событий в Лхасе) has triggered (вызвало) an outpouring (разлив/излияние) of anti-Western sentiment (настроений) on the internet. Jane Macartney, the China correspondent of the Times of London, has received death threats (угрожали смертью) from callers to her Beijing office because of a commentary in her newspaper comparing the Beijing Olympics in August to the Nazi-organised Olympics in Berlin in 1936.
Fearing (опасаясь) protests by Tibetans and others, officials (чиновники) imposed tight security (приняли жесткие меры безопасности) on March 31st around an Olympic torch-lighting ceremony (церемония зажигания олимпийского факела) in Tiananmen Square. At the event President Hu Jintao lit a cauldron (здесь: олимпийский факел) on which were carved (выгравированы) 56 “lucky clouds”. The official news agency, Xinhua, said these symbolised good wishes from China's 56 officially recognised ethnic groups.
But the next day a police spokesman, Wu Heping, said that Tibetan separatists were preparing to send out “dare-to-die” squads (эскадроны камикадзе) to stage violent attacks (для проведения жестоких атак). Mr Wu said police had recently seized (конфисковала) 178 guns, some 13,000 bullets (пуль), more than 3.5 tonnes of explosives (взрывчатых материалов), more than 19,000 detonators (детонаторов) and two hand-grenades from Tibetan monasteries. He also said they had arrested a man suspected of (подозреваемого) acting as an agent for the “Dalai Lama clique” (группировки) to incite the Lhasa unrest (возбуждавшей общественные беспорядки в Лхасе). The Dalai Lama denies (отрицает) any involvement (причастность).
China has produced little convincing evidence (убедительных доказательств) of any terrorist campaign within its borders (в пределах собственных границ). Diplomats say China tends to exaggerate (имеет тенденцию преувеличивать) such threats (угрозы) as an excuse (предлог) to crack down on (для применения суровых мер к) separatist movements. Its crude methods (грубые методы) of doing so often heighten (усиливают) ethnic tensions (напряжение в отношениях между этническими группами). After the rioting an armoured (бронированный) personnel carrier with helmeted (в шлемах) troops on top cruised through Lhasa, displaying a red banner that read “religious activities must keep to the law”. (соблюдать закон)
Official insensitivity (нечувствительность/равнодушие) to ethnic minorities (меньшинствам) is evident (очевидно) in attempts (попытках) in recent years to foster a cult (поддержать культ) of the Yellow Emperor, a mythical ancestor (мифического предка) of the Han race, who supposedly (предположительно) lived 5,000 years ago. Senior leaders have taken part in ceremonies paying homage to him (чтящих его). Last October officials arranged for groups of ethnic minorities, including Tibetans, to join one such rite (обряд/церемония) at a shrine (усыпальницы/мавзолея) in Shaanxi province where the Yellow Emperor is said to be buried (где, как говорят, похоронен Желтый Император). After passing through Tibet, where officials fear it could spark («зажечь») more protests, the Olympic torch will be carried to the shrine in July.
Yellow Emperor-worship (поклонение) will enjoy a boost (поддержку/стимул) from the introduction this week of a new public holiday known as Qingming, Tomb Sweeping Day (день приведения могил в порядок). This is a festival at which Chinese traditionally pay their respects to ancestors (выражают почтение предкам). Governments in Shaanxi and in Henan province, which claims to be the emperor's birthplace, are competing (and reportedly spending millions of dollars) to make their respective Yellow Emperor shrines pre-eminent (преимущественной/превосходящей). Officials in Henan say they are expecting 20,000 emperor-worshippers (почитателей) this month.
That ethnic minorities have no interest in the Yellow Emperor is occasionally noted by Chinese commentators. But many Chinese officials see the cult as a useful way of promoting patriotism. Just before the Lhasa riots four advisers (советника) to China's parliament proposed (предложили) that presiding over (председательство на) Yellow Emperor ceremonies should become an annual duty (ежегодной обязанностью) for state leaders (государственных лидеров). This, they said, would help “unite (объединить) and consolidate forces from all sides”. Tibetans would differ.
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