Monday, October 27, 2008

Интересное о Хитроу (статьи Times и Telegraph); с русским эквивалентом сложных фраз

Статья Times

Google Earth showed protesters way to conquer (взять/завоевать) parliament
- Программа Google Earth показала протестующим способ взять Парламент

Demonstrators revealed (объявили) yesterday that they had used Google Earth to plot (чтобы спланировать) their protest on the roof of the Houses of Parliament last week against the expansion (против расширения) of Heathrow.
The website, which allows users to zoom in (детализировать изображение) on satellite photographs (спутниковых снимках) of Earth, “showed us all the walkways (пути пешего передвижения), steps and other details we needed to make our way across the roof (чтобы продвинуться по крыше) from the door to the far side where the public could see us”, said Leo Murray, one of the five protesters.
The planning for the stunt (эффектного выступления) began last autumn after the government published documents for a public consultation on a possible third runway (взлетно-посадочной полосе) at Heathrow.“What really enraged (привело нас в бешенство) us was the government saying it supported the idea [of a third runway] even before the consultation began,” said a protester.
Tamsin Omond, a 23-year-old with a first-class degree in English literature from Cambridge, described how they were able to map out (составить карту) the interior of the Palace of Westminster without raising suspicions (не вызвав подозрений). “We sent in a reconnaissance group (разведывательную группу) who simply wandered (бродила) around till they found the route (маршрут) to the roof ending in an open door. The fag butts (сигаретные окурки) around it showed it was being used by smokers,” she said.They managed to recruit (им удалось завербовать) a young Commons insider (инсайдера в Палате общин) who, thanks to having a security pass (пропуском), was able to carry the banners, handcuffs (наручники) (bought from a Soho sex shop) and other equipment past (прошел через) the body scanners and X-ray machines (рентгеновские аппараты) that are supposed to protect (которые должны охранять здание) the buildings.
In all (всего) about 15 activists were involved. Though some now face court action (столкнулись с судебным преследованием), they are determined to continue their campaign (решительно настроены продолжить кампанию).
There are suggestions (предположения) they may try to disrupt (сорвать) the opening of Heathrow’s terminal five later this month and that a large protest is being planned for Hyde Park this summer. “What the Commons saw this week is just the start,” said Omond.

Статья Telegraph

How to escape Heathrow hell (как избежать ада в Хитроу)

Protesters are lining up (выстраиваются в ряды) on all sides to oppose (чтобы помешать) the expansion (расширению) of Heathrow airport.
Heathrow, the busiest international airport on the planet, has become a byword for misery and chaos (олицетворением мучений и хаоса). Last month it was found to have the highest number of flight delays (наибольшее количество задержек рейсов) in Europe.
Ministers and BAA, the private company that runs the airport (осуществляет управление аэропортом), seem intent on expanding (настойчиво стремятся к расширению) Heathrow by building a third runway and sixth terminal by 2020. The move would see the number of flights soar by 40% (это действие приведет к увеличению количества рейсов на 40%) – more than 200,000 extra (дополнительных) flights a year over London.
The proposals have provoked uproar (волнение/беспорядки). Thousands of residents in west London, faced with more pollution (столкнувшиеся с загрязнением [окружающей среды]), congestion (заторами) and noise, have attended meetings to oppose the plans (принимали участие в митингах против таких планов).
What are the alternatives to expanding hellish (адского) Heathrow? AN entirely new airport was once the authorities’ preferred option (когда-то был предпочтительным вариантом для властей). In 1971 the Conservative government decided that Maplin Sands, off the south Essex coast in the Thames estuary (устье), was a suitable site (подходящим местом). The scheme was killed off three years later primarily (в основном) because of a shortage of funds (нехватки средств).
Such sites have a huge advantage over (преимущество перед) Heathrow: located away from residential areas (жилых районов), they potentially allow flights to take off (взлетать) and land 24 hours a day.
At present air traffic controllers (авиадиспетчеры) have to handle (обслуживать) 1.4m flights a year over London. Often the distance between aircraft (дистанция между самолетами) is at the minimum safe level (на минимально безопасном уровне). Expansion of existing airports will mean more flights and stacking over residential areas.
Stephen Nelson, who is stepping down (уходит с поста) as chief executive of BAA, has said that a third runway at Heathrow may not be enough. A fourth may later be required to meet demand (для удовлетворения спроса).
Last week up to 2,500 angry residents, environmental campaigners and politicians gathered at Central Hall in Westminster in the biggest rally (митинг) so far to oppose the third runway at Heathrow. If it were to go ahead, it would wipe out (сотрет с лица земли) the village of Sipson, destroying (уничтожив) about 700 properties (домов)*.
“I found out on my 50th birthday that I was going to have a major road 10ft from my back door,” said Christine Taylor from Harlington. “My life is going to be completely shattered (разбита вдребезги) if these plans go ahead.”The discontent (недовольство) spreads far wider than those who stand to see their property demolished (вовсе не ограничивается теми, чьи имения будут снесены). In Hammer-smith, Chiswick and other areas of west London, public meetings have been thronged by residents horrified at the thought of (заполнены жителями, которых охватывает ужас при мысли о том, что) thousands more planes flying overhead.
Aviation experts agree that the Heathrow site is far from ideal. “Unlike (в отличие от) almost every major airport in every major city in the world, the prevailing wind flightpath (траектория полета с учетом преобладающего ветра) takes aircraft right over the centre of London,” said David Learmount, operations editor of Flight International magazine. “From that point of view Heathrow has always been an appalling idea (ужасающим замыслом/затеей).”
“The brutal reality (жестокая реальность) is that a third runway at Heathrow will only buy London time (лишь оттянет время для Лондона),” said Matthias Hamm, a director of Thames Reach airport. “Ultimately (в конечном итоге), the government has got to step up to the plate (взять на себя ответственность) and find an alternative long-term solution (долгосрочное решение).”

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