Monday, October 27, 2008

Статья Times - банк теряет сведения о 370 000 клиентов; с русскими эквивалентами сложных фраз

HSBC bank admits losing personal data on 370,000 customers in post (Банк HSBC признается в потере личных данных 370 000 клиентов в процессе почтовой пересылки)

A leading High Street bank* admitted (признался) today that it had lost a disc containing (содержащий) the personal details of 370,000 of its customers.

* что такое high street bank -

HSBC is now facing the prospect of an investigation (столкнулся с перспективой расследования) by the Financial Services Authority ([выполняемого] Управлением по финансовому надзору), the City watchdog (надзорным органом Лондонского Сити, отслеживающим нарушения), into its data security (на предмет защищенности данных).
The missing (пропавший) disc contained the names, dates of birth and insurance cover levels (уровень страхового покрытия) of people with life assurance (страхование жизни) at the bank, generally linked to a mortgage (связанному с ипотекой). It also includes health details, such as whether a person smokes.
The disc went astray (сбился с пути) about six weeks ago, after being sent by Royal Mail from the group’s offices in Southampton to Swiss Re, a financial company that reinsures (перестраховывает) HSBC's life insurance.
It is not clear whether the disc was sent to one of Swiss Re's UK offices or to Switzerland, and it appears not to have been sent in the registered mail (оказывается, он был отправлен не заказной почтой).
"We're still checking but possibly not, because then someone would have signed for it (тогда за его получение кто-нибудь бы расписался)," an HSBC spokesman (представитель/пресс-секретарь) told Times Online. "We don't actually know how the disc was lost.
"This is a unique situation, in that we would not normally send info like this (поскольку информацию мы обычно таким образом не отправляем). We normally encrypt (шифруем) the information and send it via electronic transfer, but on the day the system wasn't working. It was not our finest hour."
The bank discovered (обнаружил) the loss after Swiss Re reported in mid-February that it had not received the disc. It is understood (само собой разумеется) that the data was password-protected (защищена паролем), but not encrypted.
"Clearly we are still trying to find the disc. We should have encrypted (нам следовало зашифровать) the disc as well," added the spokesman.
HSBC has informed the FSA about the breach (нарушении), and faces being fined if the regulator decides (столкнется с наказанием, если регулирующий орган решит) that it failed to put proper systems in place to protect (банк не смог обеспечить наличие систем, сохраняющих) customers’ data.
Last December the FSA fined (оштрафовало) the Norwich Union £1.26 million for not having effective controls (средств контроля) in place, enabling fraudsters (что дало возможность мошенникам) to get hold of (завладеть) customers’ details and cash in (превратить в наличные) £3.3 million of policies (полисов).
Nationwide was also fined £980,000 last year after a laptop which contained confidential customer details was stolen from an employee’s home.
HSBC has not set up a dedicated line (выделенную линию) for concerned (обеспокоенных) customers, but call centre staff have been briefed to answer (прошел инструктаж по ответу на) questions
The bank issued a statement (опубликовал заявление) reassuring (успокаивающее) customers that the information on the disc would be of "very limited, if any, use to criminals" (сможет быть использована преступниками в ограниченном масштабе – если вообще сможет).
It said: "The data, which was password-protected, includes names, life insurance cover levels, dates of birth and whether or not a customer smokes. There is nothing else that could in any way compromise (смогло бы каким-либо образом дискредитировать) a customer and there is no reason to suppose (нет оснований полагать) that the disc has fallen into the wrong hands.
"HSBC would like to apologise to (извиниться перед) its life assurance customers for any concern (беспокойство) this may cause (вызвать) them. Each customer will be contacted shortly (в ближайшее время) and a thorough investigation into this matter (доскональное расследование дела) is under way (осуществляется в данное время)."
The FSA declined to comment (отказалось прокомментировать) on an individual case.
HM Revenue & Customs last year lost computer discs containing the names, addresses, dates of birth, child benefit numbers (номера пособий на ребенка), National Insurance numbers and bank or building society account details of 25 million child benefit recipients (получателей).

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