Porter's Five Forces
The model of pure competition implies (предполагает) that risk-adjusted (скорректированные с учетом риска) rates of return (нормы прибыли) should be constant (постоянными) across firms and industries. However, numerous (многочисленные) economic studies have affirmed (подтвердили) that different industries can sustain (поддерживать) different levels of profitability (прибыльности); part of this difference is explained by industry structure.
Michael Porter provided a framework (здесь: концепцию) that models an industry as being influenced by five forces. The strategic business manager seeking to develop an edge over rival firms (преимущество перед конкурентами) can use this model to better understand the industry context (среда) in which the firm operates.
I. Rivalry
In the traditional economic model, competition among rival firms drives profits to zero (движет прибыль к нулю). But competition is not perfect and firms are not unsophisticated (простые) passive price takers (лица, соглашающиеся на определенную цену). Rather, firms strive for (стремятся к) a competitive advantage (конкурентное преимущество) over their rivals. The intensity of rivalry (конкуренции) among firms varies (варьируется) across industries, and strategic analysts are interested in these differences.
Economists measure rivalry by indicators of industry concentration (показатели концентрации промышленности). The Concentration Ratio (CR) is one such measure. The CR indicates the percent of market share (доля рынка в %) held by the four largest firms. A high concentration ratio (коэффициент) indicates that a high concentration of market share is held by the largest firms - the industry is concentrated. With only a few firms holding a large market share, the competitive landscape (конкурентная среда) is less competitive (closer to a monopoly). A low concentration ratio indicates that the industry is characterized by many rivals, none of which (ни один из которых) has a significant market share.
When a rival acts in a way that elicits (добивается) a counter-response (ответные действия) by other firms, rivalry intensifies (усиливается). The intensity of rivalry commonly is referred (по степени интенсивности конкуренцию обычно называют) to as being cutthroat (беспощадной), intense, moderate (умеренной), or weak, based on the firms' aggressiveness in attempting to gain an advantage (в попытках получить преимущество).
In pursuing an advantage over its rivals (стремясь одержать верх над конкурентами), a firm can choose from several competitive moves:
• Changing prices - raising or lowering prices to gain a temporary advantage (для получения временного преимущества).
• Improving product differentiation (усиление отличительных характеристик продукции) - improving features (усовершенствование характеристик), implementing innovations (внедрение инноваций) in the manufacturing process and in the product itself.
• Creatively using channels of distribution - using vertical integration or using a distribution channel that is novel (новаторский) to the industry.
The intensity of rivalry is influenced (на интенсивность конкуренции влияют) by the following industry characteristics:
1. A larger number of firms increases (усиливает) rivalry because more firms must compete for (конкурировать за) the same customers and resources. The rivalry intensifies if the firms have similar market share, leading to a struggle for market leadership.
2. Slow market growth causes (заставляет) firms to fight for market share. In a growing market, firms are able to improve revenues (увеличить выручку) simply because of the expanding market.
3. High fixed costs (постоянные издержки) result in an economy of scale effect (эффект масштаба производства) that increases rivalry. When total costs are mostly fixed costs, the firm must produce near capacity (производить почти на полной мощности) to attain (чтобы достичь) the lowest unit costs (затрат на единицу продукции). Since the firm must sell this large quantity (количество) of product, high levels of production lead to a fight for market share and results in increased rivalry.
4. High storage costs or highly perishable products (высокие затраты на хранение и скоропортящиеся товары) cause a producer to sell goods as soon as possible. If other producers are attempting to unload (пытаются сгрузить [товар]) at the same time, competition for customers intensifies.
5. Low switching costs (затраты, связанные с перепрофилированием производства) increases rivalry. When a customer can freely switch («переключиться») from one product to another there is a greater struggle to capture (увлечь) customers.
6. Low levels of product differentiation is associated with higher levels of rivalry. Brand identification (марочное обозначение), on the other hand, tends to constrain (обычно ограничивает) rivalry.
7. High exit barriers (существенные препятствия уходу [с рынка]) place a high cost on abandoning the product (обусловливают высокую стоимость отказа от [производства] продукта). The firm must compete. High exit barriers cause a firm to remain in an industry, even when the venture (предприятие) is not profitable. A common (распространенным) exit barrier is asset specificity (специфичность актива). When the plant (завод) and equipment (оборудование) required (требуемые) for manufacturing a product is highly specialized, these assets cannot easily be sold to other buyers in another industry.
8. A diversity of rivals (разнообразие конкурентов) with different cultures, histories, and philosophies make an industry unstable. Rivalry is volatile (непостоянна/неуловима) and can be intense.
9. Industry Shakeout (вытеснение мелких компаний). A growing market and the potential for high profits induce (побуждают) new firms to enter a market and incumbent (действующие фирмы) firms to increase production. A point is reached where the industry becomes crowded with competitors, and demand cannot support the new entrants (новичков) and the resulting increased supply (увеличившееся предложение). The industry may become crowded if its growth rate slows and the market becomes saturated (насыщенный), creating a situation of excess capacity (нереализованные производственные мощности) with too many goods chasing too few buyers. A shakeout ensues (происходит вытеснение), with intense competition, price wars, and company failures (терпит фиаско).
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