Monday, October 27, 2008

Технологии опознования клиентов банков - статья The Banker с русскоязычными эквивалентами

Science fact

Identification methods (методы идентификации) that were once science fiction (когда-то [считавшиеся] из области научной фантастики) are now being used by banks, and some of the most innovative schemes are not in the obvious technology hot-spots (не в местах, признанных центрами развития технологии). Wendy Atkins reports.

Not so long ago, the idea of having personal identity verified by fingerprints or iris patterns was confined to the realms of science fiction (возможность подтвердить подлинность лица при помощи отпечатков пальцев или рисунка радужки глаза была из области научной фантастики (досл: ограничивалось областью научной фантастики)). Now, biometric technology is being rolled out for a variety of applications (находит сбе различные области применения), covering everything (включающие в себя все) from government-issued (выдаваемых правительством) ePassports and identity (ID) cards (удостоверений личности) to securing (до обеспечения защиты) corporate laptops. The banking sector has made tentative (экспериментальные) steps using the technology for applications such as staff access control (контроль за доступом персонала), customer authentication (опознавание клиента) and mobile ATM-access (доступ к банкомату). As new standards emerge (с появлением новых стандартов), could biometric applications gain further ground (распространиться/продвинуться вперед) in the banking sector?

The list of banks that are using the technology is growing all the time. But many of the most innovative schemes in the past couple of years have not been in technology hot-spots («очаги»/центры). Instead they have sprung up (возникали) in countries such as Mexico, where Banco Azteca has deployed (развернул/применил/использовал) a biometric identity-system targeted at (направленную на) the unbanked ([лиц] неохваченных банковскими услугами) in more than 1400 of its branches.

Biometric rollout (внедрение)
Digital Persona (название компании), which supplied the system’s biometric technology, claims (утверждает) that it is the largest biometric banking rollout (крупнейшее применение биометрических технологий в банковской индустрии) out in the world. “The technology enables (дает возможность) 75% of Banco Azteca customers to establish and maintain savings and credit accounts (создавать и поддерживать сберегательные и кредитные счета) for the first time, and it dramatically (резко) increases the bank’s potential customer base (базу потенциальных клиентов)”, says the supplier (компания-поставщик).

Other schemes of note (известные/видные) include Brazilian bank Banco Bradesco’s 2006 trial of PalmSecure, Fujitsu’s new palm-vein authentication technology (технология идентификации по кровеносным сосудам ладони) to verify (для подтверждения) the identity of customers using its ATMs (банкоматов).
In the Middle East, Israel’s Bank Hapoalim is using dynamic signature verification technology* to authenticate customers (для подтверждения личности клиентов). And Saudi Arabia’s Al Rajhi Bank is using biometric ATMs to distribute monthly pension-payments at social-security offices (службах социального обеспечения) throughout the kingdom.

*О dynamic signature verification читать здесь -

Also in 2007, Central Bank in the Indian state of Bihar rolled out AGS Infotech, Wincor Nixdorf Kisan biometric ATMs, which use thumb prints (отпечатки большого пальца).

The introduction of biometric ATMs supports (содействует) India’s Reserve Bank’s promotion of financial inclusion (работе по обеспечению большего охвата [населения] финансовыми услугами) by delivering banking services at affordable costs (по доступным ценам) to low-income and other disadvantaged groups (неимущим группам).

In Africa, the Bank of Ghana has announced that, as part of the reforms of the country’s national payment and settlements system (расчетной системы), it has collaborated with the Ghana Association of Bankers to introduce a biometric smartcard, EZWICH, for paying for goods and services online and offline. It aims to implement the scheme (поставил цель внедрить схему) by the end of June.

What about the rest of the world? Europe and the US have been relatively slow in deploying biometric systems. However, the macro environment is changing, and this could have an impact on (оказать влияние на) these markets.

People are gradually getting accustomed (постепенно привыкают) to the idea of using biometrics. For example, anyone who travels to the US will be familiar with the process of having their fingerprints scanned at border control (знаком с процедурой сканирования отпечатков пальцев при пограничном контроле), and iris-based immigration systems (системы регистрации иммигрантов, использующие радужку глаза) are now used at several major international airports worldwide. The rollout (внедрение) of national eID cards in many European countries has also introduced the subject of biometrics to the population at large (познакомило население в целом с биометрической идентификацией).

Progress on standards
Although standards and interoperability (возможность использования в других целях) issues have been areas of concern (вопросами, вызывающими беспокойство), progress has also been made on these fronts. In February, the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) published the ISO 19092:2008 standard, which stipulated (оговаривает) the security requirements (требования безопасности) for the implementation (внедрению) and the management of biometric authentication-technology in the financial services industry.

“ISO 19092 offers a valuable (ценный) international consensus-based tool (основанный на консенсусе инструмент) to the financial industry that will encourage (благоприятствовать/содействовать) the secure implementation (безопасному внедрению) of biometrics as an authentication method within this sector”, says Mark Lundin, chair of the ISO sub-committee that developed the standard.

Science fiction is at last giving way to (уступает место) science fact, thanks to behind-the-scenes (скрытой от глаз) work on standards. It is the development of standards (именно разработка стандартов) such as ISO 19092 that is going to be a driver (станет движущей силой) for biometric take-up worldwide, says Ariana-Michele Moore, senior analyst at Celent:
“This new standard is an important milestone (рубеж/веха) for biometrics and financial services. Standards are necessary: to protect data (для защиты данных), particularly such sensitive data (особенно таких особо уязвимых/особо важных/особо охраняемых данных); to ensure systems communicate with one another to promote mass acceptance and use (для обеспечения связи между системами, чтобы добиться массового позитивного отношения и использования); and to ensure the overall integrity of the technology, so that if one error or compromise were to occur, it would not have a negative effect that spreads throughout the industry (и для обеспечения общей надежности технологии – чтобы ошибка или нарушение нормального функционирования не оказали негативного эффекта на всю индустрию).”

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