The Greatest Motivator Isn't What You Think —
or, What I Learned From Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler on Valentine's Day
by Dr. Joe Vitale
Most psychologists, direct marketers, and anyone who persuades (убеждает) for a living (за деньги) will tell you there are only two basic motivators: Pain or Pleasure. You either go toward (по направлению к) what you want or away from what you don't want.
The standard argument (довод) is that pain is more powerful (сильный). I've tended to agree (я склонен согласиться), but also stated (констатирую) I would not focus on pain. I simply don't want to spread (распространять) pain in the world. Focusing on it causes (заставляет) you to feel it. I don't want to contribute (вносить вклад) to the misery (страданья/несчастье) many feel. So my stance (позиция) has been to focus on pleasure as a motivator in my sales letters and websites.
Most marketing experts agree that pain is the best trigger (пусковое устройство/стимул) to focus on in any ad (рекламе) or sales campaign.
The most common example they give is the insurance salesman (продавец страховых полисов) who tries to sell you home coverage (страховую защиту). If he focuses on pleasure, you will put off buying (отложите покупку). If he tells you your house is on fire, you will buy. Pain causes immediate action (немедленные действия).
So, like everyone else, I "knew" pain was the greater motivator. I simply focused on pleasure because it is a more noble route (благородный путь).
But then I saw Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler in their new movie “50 First Dates” (50 первых поцелуев) and suddenly I felt awakened (здесь: просветленным).
Here's the film's plot (сюжет) in a nutshell (вкратце):
Adam is in love with a woman who can't remember anything from the day before, due to (по причине/вследствие) a head injury (травмы головы) in an auto accident the year before. Every day is a new day. And every day Adam has to win her over again. Every date (свидание) is new. Hence (отсюда) the title, "50 First Dates."
At one point in it, as Adam was again wooing (добивался) Drew, I suddenly realized what I was really seeing.
I saw pleasure was the greatest motivator of all.
Adam was pursuing (добивался) Drew every day, despite (несмотря на) the pain, because of his growing love for her. He was going after pleasure (искал удовольствия). The pleasure goal was so powerful it erased (стирала) every pain he might experience (испытывать).
In short (короче говоря), all the marketing experts who say pain is the greatest motivator have forgotten the power of our driving force (движущей силы) in life: Love.
All the examples we were given were unfair (нечестны). Someone trying to sell insurance and resorting to pain hasn't figured out (вычислил/догадался о) the real pleasure button («кнопки удовольствия») to make someone buy (чтобы побудить кого-либо к покупке). They've been too lazy to search for the pleasure trigger.
It's the same with all the massive ad campaigns that fail (рекламными кампаниями, которые терпят неудачу). Trying to get (заставить) someone to quit (бросить) smoking or stop drugs (наркотики) because of the pain they depict (рисуют/изображают) in the ad is the wrong approach (подход). If we suddenly focused on the pleasure someone would have when they stopped smoking or taking drugs, we'd be moving in the right direction (мы бы двигались в верном направлении).
Our goal as marketing and business people isn't to tell people what's wrong with them or to remind (напоминать) them of their pain, but to help them imagine (представить) and then experience (испытать) the pleasure they long to have (хотят иметь).
It's noble (благородно), yes, and it works.
Love is the great motivator.
Love is the great pleasure trigger.
In short, you're dealing with (вы имеете дело с) the most powerful motivator of all time.
Reveal what there is to love about your product (определите, что можно любить в вашем продукте) or service and you'll give people authentic reasons (действующие причины) to do business with you. Call it Love-Based Marketing. Then you're happy and so are your customers.
Об авторе: Джо Витале - президент компании Hypnotic Marketing, Inc., оказывающей консалтинговые услуги по маркетингу, а также один из героев известного фильма "Секрет". Участие в съемках подтолкнуло его к написанию книги "Ключ".
Его называют "Буддой Интернета" за то, что ему удалось гармонично объединить духовные принципы и маркетинговую хватку.
Джо Витале, который был бездомным 20 лет назад, сейчас признан одним из лучших специалистов по маркетингу в мире. Джо имеет докторскую степень по метафизике, а также является сертифицированным гипнотизером, и целителем по методу Chi Kung.
Автор более 20 книг, разошедшихся миллионными тиражами по всему миру. Среди них - "Секрет притяжения" (Эксмо, 2007), "Жизнь без ограничений" (Эксмо, 2008) и "Гипнотические рекламные тексты" (Эксмо, 2008).
Идеи Джо Витале также легли в основу книги "Тайна".
Некоторые его книги на русском языке можно скачать бесплатно на сайте
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