Статья Guardian
After the tributes (дань/должное), the twist (неожиданный поворот): was Michael Jackson's death murder?
• Chris McGreal in Washington
When the weirder (чудаковатые) members of Michael Jackson's family suggested he might have met his end (встретил свою смерть) in a sinister fashion (ужасным/зловещим образом) even the singer's most dedicated (преданные) fans flinched (передернулись).
Joe Jackson cried foul (вопил о несправедливости)* within days of his son's death. Jackson's sister La Toya blamed (обвинила) "a shadowy entourage" (темное окружение) of parasitic hangers-on (прихлебателей) for "murdering" the King of Pop. But it all seemed too convenient (удобным) when Jackson appeared have driven himself to an early grave through his own addictions and stresses (оказалось, что Джексон преждевременно загнал себя в могилу своими пагубными привычками и стрессом).
* cry foul - http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?dict=CALD&key=18740
Yet (однако) three weeks after his death, there are more questions than ever, after it was reported that Los Angeles police have concluded (сделала вывод) the circumstances (обстоятельства) of Jackson's early death (безвременной смерти) might add up to (свестись к убийству) murder after all (все-таки). The prime suspects (первые подозреваемые) are a group of doctors, one or more of whom may have gone a lot further than providing the star with a few extra pills (возможно, пошел гораздо дальше, чем просто снабдил звезду несколькими лишними таблетками).
The TMZ website, which broke the news (огласил новость) of Jackson's death, said that several law enforcement sources (источников из правоохранительных органов) have told them the police have concluded (пришла к выводу) Jackson was killed by an anaesthetic (обезболивающим средством), Propofol, which is so powerful (мощное) it should only be used in hospitals under very controlled conditions (в контролируемых условиях), with heart monitoring (при наблюдении за сердцем).
The sedative (снотворное) is administered intravenously (вводится внутривенно) and was given to help Jackson sleep, because he suffered chronic insomnia (страдал от хронической бессонницы). Propofol has found popularity as a recreational drug (рекреационный/расслабляющий наркотик) among some medical staff, but its sheer potency (абсолютная эффективность) discourages (обескураживает/озадачивает) most.
Detectives searching (обыскивающие) Jackson's home missed (пропустили) the stash (тайный запас) of the anaesthetic on a first sweep (при первом «прочесывании»), but found it after questioning one of his doctors. TMZ's sources said there was "plenty of powerful evidence" (много веских улик) that the drug had been administered by one of Jackson's doctors.
One of the doctors, Arnold Klein – who is not believed to be suspected of administering Propofol (в отношении которого нет оснований подозревать введение пропофола)– told CNN this month he had known the singer was using it "with an anaesthesiologist, to go to sleep (чтобы заснуть) at night, and I told him he was absolutely insane" (безумный).
The police investigation (расследование) appears to indicate (кажется, указывает) that prosecutors (прокуроры/обвинители) may conclude that a doctor who knew the dangers of administering Propofol should face a second degree murder or manslaughter charge (должен быть обвинен в убийстве второй степени или непредумышленном убийстве). Detectives are also investigating (изучают) written prescriptions (выписанные рецепты), after members of Jackson's staff complained their names were used to obtain drugs (для приобретения наркотика).
Los Angeles police declined (отказалась) to comment on reports that it now regards (рассматривает/считает) the investigation as a murder inquiry (следствие), but an official said detectives were awaiting toxicology reports from the coroner's office (канцелярии следователя по делам о насильственной смерти) to confirm the cause of death (чтобы подтвердить причину смерти).
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